Welkom at the helppage of Migreat! In this helpfile all relevant topics around activities within Migreat! are described Index 1 Overview 2 Basics 2.1 Organisation 2.1.1 Organisation 2.1.2 Business Unit 2.1.3 Persons & Accounts 2.2 Programstructure 2.2.1 Create Program 2.2.2 Create Project 2.2.3 Add Timeline 2.2.4 Projectmembers, Rolls & Rights 2.3 Products 2.3.1 Create or Import Current Products 2.3.2 Attach …
Add Timeline
Within Migreat! timelines are used to group products within a project that follow the same process and have a dependency. For example an application is moved towards a new platform. Normally first the development environment is moved and once successful the production environment follows next within the same project but following a different timetable.
Create Project
A project is a, in time and resources restricted, activity to achieve something. It differentiates itself from a program or process due to it’s one off character. A project is mostly exectued in a cooperation between a multitude of team members. Within Migreat! a project can have multiple timelines for instance a Development timeline and a Production Timeline. A project …
Create Program
A program is a temporary way of working, focussed on achieving certain goals that add to the stratagy of the organisation(s). Within Migreat! a program is a collection of projects influencing each other and focussed on the same strategic goal. To add a new program the next steps should be followed 1) Select “Organizations” from the left menu 2) Select …