A project is a, in time and resources restricted, activity to achieve something. It differentiates itself from a program or process due to it’s one off character. A project is mostly exectued in a cooperation between a multitude of team members. Within Migreat! a project can have multiple timelines for instance a Development timeline and a Production Timeline. A project within Migreat! can contain a multitude op products that move from “old” to “new”.
To create a project within Migreat! you have to follow the next steps:
1) Click on “projects” on the left menubar and click on “Create Project”:
2) Select the organisation an the program the project is for, and provide it with a recognizable name:
3) If you wish you can select an existing projecttemplate (when used this will create a baseline timeline starting on the provided date)
4) Click on “Add” and your project will be created (with a “baseline” timeline starting on the provided date).
Your project is now created and ready for execution. You can find your project by clicking on the “projects” section on the left menu bar or within your organisation.
Within a project you can add timelines and teammembers. After the creation of a product it will also allow you to link products (CI’s) to your project.